在平时的学习生活当中,对于考研英语一定都很关心,今天金大话英语培训网小编为大家整理了为什么选择这个学校考研英语作文 考研的好处 英语作文,希望能够帮助到大家。
考研的好处 英语作文
There are many advantages of postgraduate entrance examination, as follows:
Enrich knowledge, improve ability: undergraduate learning is relatively more extensive, each knowledge will involve some, there are many students feel that they have learned everything but nothing. Graduate students will have a more systematic and in-depth study of a specific field, which will undoubtedly enrich their knowledge reserves, make them understand the field better and form their own knowledge system.
Enhance competitiveness: academic qualifications still play a very important role in this society, especially the increasing number of college students and graduate students. Some units will have academic qualifications when recruiting. Even if they say that their ability is strong, how can they get into the door without the stepping stone? Although it is said that even if you go in, you will not stay, but you also have more chances to enter.
Low cost choice intention city life: everyone has their own city, but many people can not go to their ideal city for various reasons, especially the current life pressure is great, dare not freely choose the ideal city.
But the postgraduate entrance examination is actually a shortcut to experience life elsewhere. The living cost of postgraduate education is low. You can choose to study in the city and live there for two or three years. Even if you won't stay in the future, you will experience it and have no regrets.
问题一:你为什么选择这个学校? 贵校学习环境优美,是个学习的好地方;师资能力强,有好的教学质量!
问题二:为什么选择我们学校 实话实说 是怎么就是怎么 这有什么好编谎话的 把你的真心话告诉他 千篇一律才会让人反感
问题三:以《你为什么要选这所学校》搜一篇作文 新学校,新面貌,新生活,新同学,新老师……
全神贯注地学习,是最消耗体力的了,消耗体力等于消耗食物。一连几节课下来,肚子在不知不觉中已开始“叽叽咕噜”地 *** 了。不知是老师讲课精彩,还是我听得太认真,我上课时竞不觉得饿,直到下课后,才感到肚子空空如也。于是到食堂打饭。
问题四:作文,为什么选择这所学校(这所学校一般般) I choose this school because it is a provincial key school of a long history with good surroundings and perfect facilities. Due to its sound teaching level, it is evaluated as “Provincial Grade-One Standard School”, “Civilization School” and “Green School”. It has an area of 80,000m2 and a building area of 46,000m2. With green lawns and trees, it is praised as “Garden School”. Now it has over 3,000 students and a teaching staff of 227, among whom there are 110 Grade-One teachers, 60 Senior-Grade teachers and one Special-Grade teacher.
The school adheres to the socialist road in running the school, promotes character education in an all-round way, abides by the school directive “All For Tomorrow”, strengthens morali *** , “Be sincere, friendly, progressive and heroic”, sticks to the educational ideas of “Be active, cheerful and successful”,devotes to the practice of “Make the class lively, turn the campus into a playground and help every student succeed” and achieves more and more benefits in education. Besides, the school has bumper harvests in carrying out the activity of “Green Moral Education”, preparing the students for all kinds of knowledge petitions and fostering the students’ ability to blaze new trails. Thus the school has evolved an outstanding style of its own in running the school.
问题五:签证时问到为什么要选择这所大学 该怎么回答? 你可以谈谈俯个学校,这个专业的排名,这个学校的地理位置(在大城市,在东海岸,离纽约近,等等),你看到其他人对这个学校的评价,你有多少个学校给你录取通知书,然后你比较以后选择了这个学校等等。一定不要说你认识什么人在那里上学什么的话,免得麻烦。
问题六:小学六年级作文我为什么要选这所学校 学校,喜欢他们的老师、同学,还有哪些可爱的动物和学校的一草一木;同学们学习都非常刻苦、认真,他们的学习态度连那些动物、植物都被感动了,不忍心打扰他们,而且还想跟着一起学习;下课了,同学们在一起玩儿的非常开心,那种快乐、友爱的气氛感染了大家,也招来了很多小动物。
问题七:在面试学校时考官问,你为什么要选择我们学校和专业?我该怎么回答? 这实际是考核你对该校及专业是否了解。你回答时要首先对学校进行赞扬,另外要对会计专业有所了解,谈你具备了什么素质和能力。
问题八:怎么回答考研面试为何选择我们学校 从以下几个方面白话就差不多了:导师的学术研究(崇拜,欣赏,感兴趣),表示自己想在这方面发展;喜欢学习的学术氛围;向往学校所在地区;在这个地区中学校的分量和地位!
问题九:为什么选择这个学校 帮忙写这个有点....不过可以给点提示:
问题十:巴川中学问为什么会选择这所学校怎样回答 对于考研学子门来说,考研的报考学校成为了考研初期最为盲目的选择之一,不知道自己应该选择哪个学校。对于考研学校的选择,首先要从自身的能力做主要出发点,然后要去了解学校。下面对此问题作出详细解答。 [考研指导] 考研选择哪个学校的好: 考研应该如何选取适合自己的报考院校呢?应该考虑以下几方面的因素。 1)了解自己: A.评估自身实力:考研是一项战线长,难度大的复杂性劳动,同学们要结合自己的公共课、专业课基础、可用的复习时间来权衡自己报考的学校和专业,切忌盲目。公共课基础:英语基础,数学基础;专业课基础;学习能力;学习时间 B.家庭和朋友:有些同学在作出选择时,会更多的考虑到这个因素,比如家庭已经有的就业机会,女朋友/男朋友在某个城市和学校,这样的无可厚非,只要了解自己想要什么就可以。 2)了解学校: A.学校地理位置:50%的同学毕业以后会选择留在自己上学的城市,因为在这个城市已经熟悉并且有一定的资源和人脉的积累,因此城市的平台非常重要,对于自己以后的生活、工作、发展都会有很大的影响。 B.学校的专业实力:研究生阶段的学习相对于本科阶段来讲要更深,更细,你在这个学科上能否接触到前沿的东西,能走多远,学校的专业实力不可忽视,一般来讲大家要选择一个有博士点的学校,并且把自己的发展方向、兴趣点与学校的专业发展方向联系起来。 C.学校的综合实力:研究生阶段的学习不仅限于专业,也要着眼于个人综合实力的提高,而学校的综合实力就说明学校的资源、学校可以提供给你怎么样的一个发展的平台,接触什么样的人,什么样的事,不同的学校会有不同的文化,三年的研究生生活能学到的东西也会截然不同,因此同学们需要在专业实力和学校综合实力当中寻找一个平衡。 D.学校的竞争情况:要将自己的实力与学校的目标做一个较好的匹配,最适合自己的学校就是在自己有效的时间内,通过外界的帮助,自己的付出刚刚好够到的最好的学校和专业,同学们不妨把目标定的稍稍高一点。
There are more and more college graduates choose to continue their tertiary education nowadays. At their graduation, they take the entrance examinations for the postgraduate studies, and try to earn higher degrees. This situation has both its pros and cons.
The phenomenon that more students are willing to earn higher degrees is definitely a good sign for the economy and for the future of the country. Scientific and technological developments, social evolution, understandings towards nature and history are all progressing. They need people of deeper studies to carry further. Traditional ideas in many areas are becoming obsolete and the society wants fresh thoughts to remodel it, and make it a better environment for human beings. All these will be possible only based on further studies, researches and more specialized work, rather than relying on the basic disciplines of past knowledge.
On the other hand, it also reflects a trend in which the undergraduates have intense competition in the employment market. Increasing numbers of them are unable to find a job of their studies at the graduation, and have to give up what they have learned and go into other professions only to be surviving. This is a huge waste of the national education resources, particularly considering that four years ago these students took the positions in the colleges and deprived their competitors' chance of entering tertiary educations. No winners amongst them all, the colleges, the undergradtates, and those "failed" competitors, as the change into other areas happen.
One very likely scenario is that the problem of intense competition is to be deferred rather than solved, i.e. that it is carried onto the next level. If all the Bachelors are moving into master studies, then the job position competition may temporarily be calmed now, but start again in three years when they are graduating as Masters, or five years later as Doctors.
以上就是关于为什么选择这个学校考研英语作文 考研的好处 英语作文的全部内容了,如果需要了解更多相关资讯敬请关注金大话英语培训网。